If you want to attend a higher education institution, you need to start applying to university as soon as possible. Many universities are inundated with applications, making it difficult for students to get in or get residence. But being prepared can also help reduce nerves and anxiety because you’ve had enough time to research your prospective school and apply to backups. If you want to attend the Vaal University of Technology, the first step to securing your spot at the university is to access the VUT Prospectus.
How To Access The Vaal University of Technology Prospectus
A prospectus is a detailed look at what you can learn at a university. It also provides information on the minimum requirements you need to meet to be eligible to attend a university.
VUT has segmented its prospectus for each faculty. This is a great way for you – as a prospective student – to learn more about the university and courses that interest you without overwhelming you with information.
You can access your VUT prospectus by visiting the website at vut.ac.za, finding the burger menu at the top left side of the home page, scrolling to “Study at VUT,” and then clicking on Undergraduate.
You will then see a column where you should click “Courses and Programmes” on the right-hand side.
You can also view the prospectus catalogue by clicking here, and choosing your prospectus based on your chosen course.
How To Check Your VUT Application Status
The most nerve-wracking part of applying to universities is waiting to hear news regarding whether or not you’ve been accepted. If this is something, you’re currently experiencing, this guide to help you check your VUT application status will help calm those nerves.
Step 1: Visit The VUT Website
Go to www.vut.ac.za to begin the process of checking your application status.
Step 2: Make Your Way To ITS Software
Because VUT uses an ITS software to allow students – and potential students – to interact with the school digitally, you will need to access the ITS software, which you can do by:
- Clicking on Students at the top right corner of the home page.
- Once on the Students page, click on Student ITS, you will be redirected to Vaal University’s ITS system.
- Click on iEnabler under What is iEnabler?
- Sign in under Registered user with the student number you’ve been provided.
Step 3: Login and View Application Status
To complete this step, you will need to know the login details you supplied when registering. If you still have them handy, you can fill in your student number and pin. Once you submit these details, you will be able to view your VUT application status.
Suppose you have any questions about your application status or the VUT prospectus. In that case, you can always reach out to the university on Twitter or Facebook, as they are very active on social media. You can also contact the school’s registration and admission department on 016 950 9924.