CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) was founded on the 1st of January 2005. CPUT is the only university of technology in the Western Cape and has more than 70 programmes. There are a total of six campuses and four service points across the Western Cape.


CPUT gives all its students access to an online portal called SOS (Student Online Services).

This portal allows students to do the following:

  • Register online
  • Check which subjects they have registered for
  • Print proof of registration
  • View their progress marks
  • Change contact information
  • Check outstanding fees and pay fees online

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To login into CPUT SOS, go to the login page, fill in your student number, PIN, and click Login. If you don’t have a pin, fill in your student number and click on Request A Pin. Once you have done that, go back to the SOS page, and use ‘Get Your Pin Here’ to get the pin displayed. Students only have three attempts to get a pin. If you exceed the three attempts, you will need to contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 to reset your login.

CPUT Blackboard

CPUT also has a system called CPUT Blackboard or MyClassroom. Students can do various things in this system, such as completing online tests and assignments and participating in online discussions and reading blogs.

How To Use CPUT Blackboard:

  • Log in to MyClassroom by clicking on Student Login.
  • Once you are in Blackboard, you will find My Activities on the right-hand side.
  • Under My Activities, you should see all the subjects that you registered for.
  • Choose a subject.
  • You can click on My Announcements to see if your lecturer has posted anything.
  • On the left, click on content. You will find notes, videos, audio, quizzes, tests, exams, etc.
  • You can click on ‘Groups’ to see any online groups that you might be a part of in the left menu.
  • To log out of MyClassroom, there is a ‘log off’ button in the top-right corner, next to your name.

Navigating Your Course:

  • The course menu is on the left of the page.
  • The Home Page is the course module page, and this contains any new information and due dates for your course.
  • The To-Do section has a list of upcoming due dates.
  • The What’s New section has links to course content that your lecturer has added or changed in the past week.
  • You will need to click Refresh in the Action’s menu to be able to see changes that have been made.
  • My Announcements is where your lecturer will post important information.
  • Clicking on Tools will show you the tools that your lecturer has made available to you.
  • Click on My Marks on the Tools page to see your grades.

Using the Calendar:

  • The calendar is found on your course page, in the Tools section, or on My Blackboard menu.
  • You can use the calendar to view events, as well as add your own events.
  • You can also get an external link that you can use to import the calendar into an external calendar.

Course Content Area:

Your lecturer can upload a wide range of content to courses. This includes the following:

  • A syllabus that contains course information, grading information, lecturer contact information, information on textbooks, etc.
  • Content folders that allow lecturers to use folders and sub-folders to categorise information.
  • Learning modules that include images, multimedia, tests, and exams.
  • Web-links that are linked to other websites.
  • Videos
  • A discussion board where students can chat through forums.
  • Assignments that lecturers use to test students.
  • A Quiz, Test, or Exam section that lecturers use to assess students.
  • Surveys that are used for evaluations and polling.
  • YouTube’s videos.
  • A calendar that is used to track important events.
  • My Marks is used to display your grades.

Blackboard allows you to submit your assignments online. On the Upload Assignments page, you can view important assignment information. Choose ‘Write Submission’ to open the section that allows you to submit your assignment. Upload your file, and type comments if necessary. Once you have submitted your assignment, you will be able to see the Review Submission History page. There will be a confirmation number that you should save if it doesn’t get emailed to you. Students can also complete tests, quizzes and exams on Blackboard.

CPUT Blackboard also has a feedback section, where lecturers can leave text and audio feedback for students. Audio recordings can be up to five minutes in length. Unfortunately, lecturers and students aren’t able to download, share or reuse the recording.

Some other great features include being able to join an online webinar through Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (your lecturer will give you the link to this), accessing webinar recordings, and chatting in discussion forums. You can also use the Blogs function to read other blogs, create your blog posts, and comment on blog posts.

Blackboard also has an app that is available on both iOS and Android. Your phone’s operating system will need to be iOS 11+ or Android 5+. The app is free to download, and you use your CPUT username to log in.

Also Read: Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Application

You will be able to view your subjects

  • Access the calendar
  • View announcements
  • Access your course content
  • Submit your online assignments
  • Complete quizzes and tests
  • View your grades
  • Join online webinars and access recordings
  • Chat in discussion forums.

The app helps students who are unable to access a laptop or computer. You will receive notifications when announcements are posted, which will help ensure that you don’t miss anything important!


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