The acronym SANRAL stands for the South African Road Agency LTD. It is a parastatal company that manages, maintains, and develops national, provincial and regional routes in the country. In 2013, sanral introduced the sanral etag, which can recognise a car from its number plate. The main aim of this article is to explain what these etags are and to tell you everything you need to about, from how they work to how you can apply for them.

What are SANRAL etags?

Before diving into the full length and bulk of this article, you must first know what these etags are. And as promised, we will explain it to you as simply as we can. First, the (e) stands for electronic, so we know it is an electronic device. Then a tag is something that is attached to some other thing. Well, explain, take the labels on your clothes; for example, they are attached to your clothes when you purchase those tags. In our context, an ETag is attached to your car. The device is an electronic device that is placed inside of the car on the windscreen.

This tag acts as some sort of identification for the car since it is connected to your licence plate number and your e-toll account on SANRAL. It also has information on what type of vehicle you have.

How do etags work?

Etags work as electronic toll collection tools. They are replaced in highways around Gauteng, and they scan every car that passes under any of the gantries placed there. It can do this by using ETag checkers, which check the licence plate number of the car or the ETag disc placed on the windscreen.

Where can I buy an ETag?

Now that you understand what etags are and how they work, you probably want to know where to purchase an ETag. If you are still on the fence about it, here are a few reasons why you should: this new technology makes it difficult for people who duplicate or clone number plates to continue in their act. It also monitors traffic flow on highways so that incidence on the highway is quickly responded to. You can get etags at the following places:

  • you can order your tag online on the SANRAL website at
  • You can call in to order by calling this number: 0800 726 725
  • You can also purchase an ETag at any E-Toll Customer Service Outlet in a mall or along the Gauteng road.
  • It is also available at supermarkets such as ShopRite, Pick n Pay and Checkers.

Where do I register an e-toll account? 

To register for an e-toll account, you just have to follow these easy steps. It will only take you a few minutes. Register by doing the following:

  • You can register online on the official sanral website. Launch the website and click on the e-toll option. Then proceed to register.
  • You can register by downloading the Sanral app from the Apple app store (for IOS users) and the google play store (for android users). Once the application has been downloaded and installed on your device, proceed to register.
  • You can register via phone call by calling this number 0800 726 725. An assistant will be there to guide you through the entire application process.
  • You can also register for an e-toll account at any E-Toll Customer Service Outlet in a mall or along the Gauteng road.
  • Download the registration form from the e-toll website, print it out, fill it and then email it to [email protected] or fax it to 0800 726 725

SANRAL application 

To ensure the security of your account and to ease its management, sanral developed a mobile application released in 2018. The applications have features that support and perform various functions, which include:

  • It allows you to check your account balance.
  • Using the app, you can top up your Sanral etag for your account.
  • You are able to make changes to your contact information.
  • With the application, you can see all the transactions you have made and download your complete transaction details.
  • You have access to your receipts and statements.
  • Customer service is a click away; you can easily reach them and have your worries sorted out with the application.
  • The application also allows you to be able to manage all your tags on your different vehicles.

If you already have a SANRAL account, simply key in your etag login details. If you have forgotten your password, use the recovery feature to regain access to your account or call customer service for assistance if you have any difficulties.

How do I pay my etag bill? 

There are several methods through which you can pay your etag bills. You can choose your preferred method according to which is more convenient for you. You can use either of these methods:

You can use the prepaid method to pay in advance by loading up your account with funds. You can prepay for your tags wherever a sanral outlet is located.

Various stores and supermarkets retail tags. Such stores include ShopRite, Checkers, Pick n Pay etc. You can pay your etag bill at any of these retailers.

If you prefer to stay at home, you can pay your bills on the sanral website.

Also Read: Everything you Need to Know About IRP5 Form

SANRAL etag batteries 

Sanral batteries can last for up to 5 years without needing to be changed or replaced. If you pass under any of the gantries and the tag doesn’t beep, it beeps up to four times; that is an indicator that it is time to change the batteries.

SANRAL contacts 

If you have any questions or inquiries or would like more information about etags and how to get them, you can contact SANRAL at their corporate office using any of the following means:

Physical address: 48 Tambotie Avenue, Val de Grace, Pretoria, 0184 P.O. Box 415, Pretoria, 0001

Telephone number: 012 844 8000

Fax number: 012 844 8200


Regional offices

If you can not make your way to their corporate office, please visit any of their regional offices near you or contact them using the following information:

Southern Region

Located opposite Entrance 41, 100 Baywest Boulevard,  Baywest City, Port Elizabeth, 6017 P.O. Box 27230, Greenacres, 6057.
Telephone number: 041 398 3200
Fax number: 041 398 3222

Western Region

Physical address: 1 Havenga Street, Oakdale, Bellville, 7530, Private Bag X19, Bellville, 7535 
Telephone number: 021 957 4600
Fax number: 021 910 1966

Eastern Region

58 van Eck Place, Mkondeni, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 P.O. Box 100410, Scottsville, 3209
Telephone number: 033 392 8100
Fax number: 033 386 6284

Northern Region 

Physical address: 38 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081, Tshwane, Private Bag X17, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Telephone number: 012 426 6200
Fax number: 012 348 1512

SANRAL tenders 

What are South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) tenders?

Since Sanral is in charge of road maintenance and construction, most of their tenders are directly related to that field. The other smaller percentage of tenders are for auxiliary jobs, tasks that contribute to the facilitation of the entire construction process.

How many tender requests does the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) publish?

In recent years, the total number of tenders that were posted was 99. 19 out of the 99 tenders are still open requests, and 25 were posted in the past month. If you are interested in applying for a tender, you can check the Sanral website for the tenders that are still open.

Several categories of tenders are open to interested parties to apply, such as grass cutting tenders, routine road maintenance tenders, and many others.

If you would like to stay updated about which tenders are open and which are closed, or you would want to have first-hand information about available tenders, go ahead and register on the sanral tender database. It also helps if you are already registered on the central supplier database. Since Sanral is a parastatal, its tenders would appear on the Government tenders bulletin.

How to register on the sanral supplier database: 

To register for the sanral supplier database, you can simply register on the South African government’s Central Supplier Database. By registering on the central supplier database, you will be registered as a supplier. This way, you will be contacted and notified if there is an open tender in your field of interest. To register on the central supplier database, follow these steps:

Step 1:

  • First, start by launching the CSD website on your device by using this link:
  • Then create a new supplier account. If you have an account, there is no need to create a new one; simply login to your existing account.
  • An email will be sent to you asking that you confirm your email address; click on the confirm button to activate your account.
  • You will then be required to enter your one-time pin (OTP).
  • Request the pin and enter it, and your account will be activated. Once that is done, log in to the central supplier database.

Step 2:

After logging in, the next step is to fill in the required information in their corresponding fields. You would be required to:

  • Fill in your supplier identification information.
  • Complete your industry classification information
  • You are also required to fill in your contact information.
  • Fill in your address information in the corresponding field.
  • Include your bank account information
  • You are also required to complete your tax information.
  • For non-CIPC companies, you are required to complete directors/members information.
  • If you are associated with any other company or organisation, mention them in the space provided.
  • Complete your commodities information
  • Fill in your notification information so that you can be notified if any tenders suit you.
  • If it is relevant, complete accreditations.
  • Fill in the B-BBEE information.
  • After filling in all the necessary information, cross-check to ensure that they are correctly entered. If everything is in order, click on SUBMIT.

Sanral Tenders

Sanral tenders for this year have been listed on their website and other websites that publish tenders. There, you will be able to see which tenders are open and which have been closed. If you are considering applying for a tender, then you should familiarise yourself with the system. The South African system of conducting tenders is usually in four stages:

  • There is a request for Tenders by the organisation or company.
  • Then they issue the tender documents.
  • Afterwards, there is a Receipt and review of tenders that have been submitted.
  • After reviewing the tenders that have been submitted, they then Award the contract to their best pick.

To find out which tenders are open and get more information on applying for these tenders, visit the Sanral website. You can as well check the government tender bulletin for tender requests that may suit you.


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